home Map of Horowhenua College - Buildings and Grounds

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  Map of Horowhenua College - Buildings and Grounds Many changes have been made over the years in the use of the various classrooms. No longer will you find the labs in the front of the main building or the library upstairs as was the case in the 40's. This area is now used for Administration and the staffroom.
Presently the blocks are used as follows:
N Block:- Maths, Social Sciences and Science labs with the horticultural block behind.
T Block:- English and Drama rooms
S Block:- Computer rooms and Physics Labs
A Block
North Wing:- Science Labs, Language and Graphics rooms.
West Wing:- Woodwork and Metal Technology and learning support area
South Wing:- Food and Fabric Technology, Library and Deans room
East Wing:- Administration area
  Company Headquarters:
For further details regarding the college, contact the following:
Horowhenua College:-
Phone (06) 368-6159
Reunion Registrar:- Ian Wenham
(06) 368-9988
PO Box 1171


This map prepared in 1999 shows the additions made to the original college plan of 1940.
Note also that the original hall has been rebuilt.
The original building is now referred to as A Block, the building behind the hall as N Block, the building next to the Art Suite is S Block and T Block is on the south side near where the girls bike sheds were positioned.
Note also the new Wharenui sited just east of T Block

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